Tension Escalates As Russia Announces Military Drills

World Today

Tensions continue to escalate in Ukraine.Thursday, Russia announced new military exercises involving ground and air forces near its border with Ukraine.

The announcement followed an Ukrainian operation to drive pro-Russia insurgents out of occupied buildings in the east. Ukrainian armed forces killed up to five pro-Moscow gunmen. CCTV’s Kate Parkinson reports from Slavyansk in eastern Ukraine.
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Tension Escalates As Russia Announces Military Drills

Tensions continue to escalate in Ukraine.Thursday, Russia announced new military exercises involving ground and air forces near its border with Ukraine. The announcement followed an Ukrainian operation to drive pro-Russia insurgents out of occupied buildings in the east. Ukrainian armed forces killed up to five pro-Moscow gunmen.CCTV's Kate Parkinson reports from Slavyansk in eastern Ukraine.

CCTV’s Elaine Reyes interviews Ivan Eland, Director and Senior Fellow at the Center on Peace and Liberty at The Independent Institute on the escalation of crisis and hopes for a swift and peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine.

What Type of Intervention can Bring Peace to Ukraine?

CCTV's Elaine Reyes interviews Ivan Eland, Director and Senior Fellow at the Center on Peace and Liberty at The Independent Institute on the escalation of crisis and hopes for a swift and peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine.