Heroic Stories Uncovered From 1888 Ship Wreck

World Today

Last week, the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration revealed that it had rediscovered a shipwreck right by San Francisco’s famous Golden Gate Bridge.

Back in 1888, in dense fog with less than a half mile of visibility, this 202-foot American steamship called the City of Chester, collided with this British steamer, the Oceanic.

13 passengers and three crewmen died as the City of Chester sunk. Recently, on a survey near the Golden Gate Bridge, response teams from the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, NOAA, used modern technology to pinpoint the precise location of the City of Chester. Officials now say testimony from court records clearly shows that minutes before the ship sank, Chinese crew members were busy pulling passengers from the deck of the City of Chester onto the Oceanic. CCTV’s Mark Niu reports with details.

Heroic Stories Uncovered From 1888 Ship Wreck

Last week, the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration revealed that it had rediscovered a shipwreck right by San Francisco's famous Golden Gate Bridge. As CCTV's Mark Niu shows us the discovery is also calling attention to some of the people on the ship who went to heroic lengths to save passengers before the ship went down.