Brazil scrambles to be ready for soccer’s FIFA World Cup

Global Business

We are counting down to the kick off in Brazil on Thursday.
For weeks workers have been scrambling scramble to finish the stadiums in time.
But at this point it is clear that many things won’t be ready. Paulo Cabral joins us from Sao Paulo with more on that.

Brazil scrambles to be ready for soccer's FIFA World Cup

We are counting down to the kick off in Brazil on Thursday. For weeks workers have been scrambling scramble to finish the stadiums in time. But at this point it is clear that many things won't be ready. Paulo Cabral joins us from Sao Paulo with more on that.

With all the buzz around the world cup, there’s been growing interest in a world cup video game. And the company that produces FIFA video games hopes the launch of its newest version scores a goal. CCTV’s YaKenda McGahee has the story.

New game to launch alongside world cup kickoff

With all the buzz around the world cup, there's been growing interest in a world cup video game. And the company that produces FIFA video games hopes the launch of its newest version scores a goal. CCTV's YaKenda McGahee has the story.