Three suspects confess to killing Palestinian teen

World Today

In Israel, three suspects confessed to the killing of 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir. CCTV’s Roee Ruttenberg reports from Tel Aviv.

Six suspects arrested for the killing of an Arab teenager

In Israel the murderors confesses the killing of a Arab teenager. Officials say three Jewish suspects have now admitted to killing the teen who was abducted from east Jerusalem and burned to death last week. Meanwhile, the violence continues on Israel's volatile front with the Gaza Strip. The tension is high between Israeli - Palestine. CCTV's Roee Ruttenberg is in Tel Aviv with more

Three days after burying Abu Khdeir, Roee Ruttenberg sat down with his family in East Jerusalem as they face their grief amidst the rising tensions on the streets. Israeli president Shimon Peres offered to visit the home of the greiving family, but they declined the offer.

Matthew Brodsky, Middle East expert and former Director of Policy for the Jewish Policy Center, joined CCTV for more perspective on rising tension in the region.

Matthew Brodsky discusses Israel tensions

For more perspective on the rising tensions in the region, Matthew Brodsky joins the show.

Graeme Bannerman also joined to discuss these issues on the Israeli fronteir.