UK fast tracks new drug trials to battle Ebola epidemic

Ebola Outbreak

A Red Cross team was attacked while collecting bodies believed to be infected with Ebola in southeastern Guinea on Tuesday, the latest in a string of assaults that are hindering efforts to control West Africa’s current deadly outbreak. CCTV America’s Richard Bestic reports.

Trials on new drugs are being fast tracked in the UK to help battle the Ebola epidemic. The disease has killed more than 26,000 people and the World Health Organization warns the number infected by Ebola could triple to 210,000 within the next six weeks.

More than 26,000 lives have been lost already in the worst outbreak of the disease since the virus was first discovered 38 years ago. The global charitable foundation, Wellcome Trust has put up more than five million dollars for research into a treatment. Work is already underway on creating a preventative vaccine.

Ebola is believed to have infected more than 5,800 people in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Nigeria and Senegal.