President Obama pardons the National Thanksgiving turkey

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Barack Obama pardons 2014 turkey
President Barack Obama, right, pardons “Cheese,” the turkey at the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2014, during the annual Thanksgiving ceremony. Cole Cooper, far left, and his father Gary Cooper, chairman of the National Turkey Federation, helped hold “Cheese” during the event. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

President Barack Obama on Wednesday carried out a refreshingly frivolous duty, a presidential tradition at this time of year – officially pardoning a pair of turkeys, thus sparing them from being eaten at Thanksgiving on November 27th.

Obama joked that his annual turkey pardon will be his “most talked about executive action this month.”

The two turkeys who were granted this year’s presidential pardons were named Mac and Cheese.

Obama says that around Thanksgiving, turkeys named after side dishes would normally have a “pretty low” chance of escaping the dinner table, so Mac and Cheese “really beat the odds”.

Story compiled with information from The Associated Press.

Timeline of Presidential Turkey History