Chinese flood streets for Christmas shopping

World Today

While many people across the world were feeling the Christmas spirit, the holiday also became increasingly popular among Chinese youth. Businesses in the country have been quick to encourage this trend by offering promotions and discounts. CCTV America’s Hu Chao reported from Taiyuan, North China’s Shanxi Province.

Christmas became one of the most important times to shop. In recent years, the Chinese people have become more and more interested in celebrating Christmas. Especially on Christmas Eve, all shopping centers were giving deep discounts, and they did not close till midnight. Tens of thousands of people were filling the streets in the city. Christmas decorations could be seen everywhere.

Vast malls and small shops welcomed the coming of Christmas at the very start of December with Christmas decorations as flashy as their Christmas discount announcements.

Christmas has now become an opportunity for young Chinese to meet up with their friends for some shopping and dinner.

But Christmas wasn’t for everyone. Some within the older generation were puzzled by the enthusiasm for a holiday they feel isn’t theirs.

“I don’t know why young people like to celebrate Christmas. It’s confusing to me,” one Taiyuan resident said.

“We feel happy tonight, and we love to join people here. But only the youth celebrate Christmas. The elderly don’t understand Christmas,” another Taiyuan resident said.

Those done with their shopping also made their way to the city’s main church for midnight mass.

Local police and firefighters remained vigilant to ensure a safe and festive Christmas Eve.