Nigeria’s election challenges continue as millions of voter cards aren’t retrieved

World Today

After delaying the Presidential election until next month, Nigerian election officials called for people to collect their new voter cards.
Millions of the cards have yet to be picked up, with authorities fear many people are registered in the wrong areas.
CCTV’s Robert Nagila reported this story from Nigeria.

A little over 120 miles north of the capital, Kaduna is going to be a big test in the elections due late next month.

Four years ago, deadly riots broke out here amid claims of electoral fraud.

Arch rivals Goodluck Jonathan and Muhammadu Buhari, have been urging their supporters to maintain peace this time round.

This weekend though, their biggest headache looks to be getting their supporters to vote.

Nigeria's election challenges continue as millions of voter cards aren't retrieved

After delaying the Presidential election until next month, Nigerian election officials called for people to collect their new voter cards. Millions of the cards have yet to be picked up, with authorities fear many people are registered in the wrong areas. CCTV’s Robert Nagila reported this story from Nigeria.

Many registered in Kaduna have not bothered to collect the cards they need to make their mark.

“This is what we are experiencing, see all these boxes they are full of voters cards, people are not coming, people are just not coming,”Kaduna state electoral officer Abubakar Issack said.

Once a name is verified on the register voters can collect their card.

“I am very happy, now I can exercise my right and vote for a candidate of my choice,” Kaduna resident Mohammed Abubakar said.

Some have found they were not registered at all.

“I have been told to wait, because my name is not on the register,” Kaduna resident Amadou Samido said.

It has been a slow and tedious process especially for the electoral officials, who sometimes have to sit here for hours, waiting for people to turn up.

In some of the collection centers, there was absolutely no one.

The reporter has been told no one showed up over the past week to designated collection center just a little over 6 miles away.

The absence of voters forced officials to close the center down.

Officials suspect many people are registered to vote in areas they do not actually live in.

Which could mean many of them will be unable to vote March 28.

As the March 8 deadline for collecting the cards approaches, officials hope there will be a last minute rush.