The man dubbed Jihadi John known to UK security since 2009

Refugee and Migrant Crisis

British media has demanded an inquiry after claiming blunders that allowed the man identified as Jihadi John to travel to Syria.

The alleged Islamic State executioner named Mohammed Emwazi was reportedly known to both MI-5 and Scotland Yard since 2009.
CCTV’s Richard Bestic has the story from London.

Scotland Yard and the MI5 security agency came into contact with Mohammed Emwazi at least a dozen times before he left the UK for Syria in 2013. The London papers now demand answers as to how the mid-twenties computer graduate was able to slip out of the country and take on his murderous role as Jihadi John.

Linked to the grotesque murders of at least five hostages, the masked figure of Emwazi standing knife in hand has become the haunting face of Islamic State atrocities.

There has been no official confirmation from the British government on the identity of Jihadi John, but a stout defense of the role played by the security services.

“So, I am satisfied we have in place the right ways of scrutinizing the work that these extraordinary men and women do on our behalf and, all I can say is even in the last few months their dedication and work has saved us from plots on the streets of the United Kingdom that could have done immense damage and I so I think it is a moment to stand up and thank them for the work they do on our behalf,” said Britian’s Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond.

Hammond said that the UK is refusing to confirm for operational reasons. Emwazi’s road to radicalization, it’s said, began on a trip with friends to Tanzania, where he was questioned and denied entry. He returned via Amsterdam, where he questioned by both British and Dutch security services. He then traveled to work in Kuwait, returning to London twice. In 2010 he was searched, fingerprinted and prevented from returning to Kuwait.

What the British media is asking of the UK government now is with Emwazi so firmly fixed in their security cross hairs, how was it possible for him to get to Syria and become the grotesque Jihadi John.