While technology is more integrated daily lives, one area that’s getting a lot of attention from investors is experiential technology, or Xtech, technology that directly influences the human experience.
CCTV America’s Mark Niu tells us what it’s all about.

The Xtech Conference brings together scientists, entrepreneurs and investors all in hopes of taking neuroscience out of the lab and into the real world.
James Blaha has suffered from a severe form of lazy eye since he was young, affecting his depth perception.
His solution is create his own virtual reality program that has now helped him gain 80 percent of normal ability.
While digital therapies seek to help people recover from ailments, other forms of neurotechnology are looking to take human performance to the highest levels.
US National Football League Player Brandon Marshall on experimental technology
What exactly is a top flight American football player doing in Silicon Valley mixing with technologists and venture capitalists.
Brandon Marshall is on a mission in more ways than one. He’s talking about high performance and something he started, Project 375 which aims to improve mental health care.
CCTV America’s Mark Niu spoke with Brandon and asks him what he finds most exciting about the potential for technology to impact performance.