The Heat: Brazil’s President-elect Jair Bolsonaro

The Heat

Brazil elections

Brazilians went to the polls Sunday and elected a former army captain turned congressman as president.

Jair Bolsonaro is a controversial and divisive figure who has made a lot of stunning comments, praising military rule and bashing minorities.

But with a tough stance on corruption and crime Bolsonaro won support of the voters who saw him as an alternative to politics as usual in Brazil.

CGTN’s Paulo Cabral has the details from Sao Paulo.

Follow Paulo Cabral on Twitter @PCabralReporter

To discuss all of this:

  • Felipe Moura Brasil is a journalist and author in Rio de Janeiro.
  • Andrea Murta is the director for North America at Jota News.
  • Thiago de Aragao is the director of strategy for Arko Advice and editor of the podcast Brazil Politics.
  • Paulo Sotero is the director of the Brazil Institute at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. 

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