The Heat: US competes with China in Africa

The Heat

Over the last two decades, the levels of trade and investment between China and Africa have increased significantly.

According to Chinese government figures, China’s total import and export volume with Africa exceeded $204 billion last year.  China is also engaged in major investment and infrastructure projects on the African continent. And, last September, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced another $60 billion in support.

Meanwhile, the U.S. trading relationship with Africa has declined over the last decade — down from $142 billion in 2008 to about $62 billion in 2018.  But, last December, the U.S. administration started rolling out what it’s calling a “New Africa Strategy.”

To discuss all of this:

  • David Shinn is a former US Ambassador to Ethiopia and Burkina Faso.
  • Ken Gichinga is managing director and  chief economist at Mentoria Economics.
  • Sanusha Naidu is a foreign policy analyst at the Institute for Global Dialogue.
  • Victor Gao is Vice President at the Center for China and Globalization.

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