The Heat: COVID-19 Summer Surge

The Heat

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The World Health Organization says COVID-19 is “still very much with us” and is urging governments to strengthen their vaccination campaigns. Officials warn that cases are rising globally with a high percentage of positive tests across Europe and the United States. 

In Paris, at least 40 athletes competing at the summer Olympics tested positive for COVID-19 or other respiratory illnesses. The WHO says the rise comes at a time of pandemic fatigue, diminished testing and low vaccination rates.

Joining the discussion:

  • Dr. Muhammad Munir is a Virologist and Professor in Biomedicine at Lancaster University.
  • Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly is the Director of the Clinical Epidemiology Center and Chief of Research and Education Service at Veterans Affairs St. Louis Health Care System.
  • Dr. Kate Tulenko is the Founder and CEO of Corvus Health.
  • Dr. Peter Chin-Hong is a Professor of Medicine and an Infectious Disease Specialist at the University of California, San Francisco.