March 25, 2015

Chile battling extremes of heavy rain and drought

Chile is suffering flooding in the north and forest fires in the south. More than 6,000 hectares have been consumed by the fires, which may spread and intensify in the face of high winds and temperatures in excess of 30 degrees.

March 25, 2015

Tens of thousands line up in Singapore to remember Lee Kuan

The seven-day period of mourning for Singapore’s founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew moved into a more formal phase on Wednesday, when his body was transferred from SriTemasek – the Prime Minister’s official residence on the Istana grounds – to the Parliament House where it […]

March 25, 2015

Starbucks CEO clarifies racial dialogue initiative

Starbucks’ CEO Howard Schultz has never shied away from controversy. He supports same-sex marriage, urges customers to keep guns out of stores and also asked Congress to pass a budget by a certain date. Most recently he tried to tackle the issue of race in […]

March 25, 2015

Nigeria presidential candidates promise to revive economy

In a matter of days, Nigerians will head to the polls in a crucial presidential election. Nigeria’s economy is facing a serious battering from falling global oil prices, which has seen government revenue dwindle. So what are the main candidates putting forward to get the […]

March 25, 2015

Hong Kong’s $18 billion airport runway faces scrutiny

Hong Kong is set to embark on its most expensive infrastructure project ever. The city plans to build a third airport runway. The cost will be high. The project’s critics say the third runway isn’t necessary and complain the other two runways are underutilized.

March 24, 2015

Thousands mark 39th anniversary of 70s Argentina military coup

Thousands marched in Argentina on Tuesday to mark the 39th anniversary of the 1976 military coup. During the country’s so-called Dirty War, from 1976 to 1983, an estimated 30,000 people were either killed or simply ‘disappeared.’ Argentina has brought to justice many of those found […]

March 24, 2015

Taiwan prepares to get Fair Trade Zone benefits

China has approved three more free trade zones. The country already has one in Shanghai. It opened a year and a half ago. The zones are meant to pave the way to liberalizing the financial sector. One of the new zones will be in northern […]

March 24, 2015

Washington struggles to support AIIB inclusion

The United States is unlikely to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, according to financial experts in Washington. But many of America’s closest allies have chosen to become founding members of the China-led bank, including the United Kingdom, France and Germany. That’s left Washington looking […]

March 24, 2015

Uber, LYFT face legal battles over driver benefits

Ride-sharing companies Uber and Lyft continue to face legal troubles. This time, it’s coming from within. Lawyers have filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of ridesharing company drivers who say they are deserving of the benefits of true employees instead of contractors.

March 24, 2015

Scientists suggest new ways to clean water, create energy

As hydraulic fracturing expands in the US and across the world, the problem becomes what to do with all the waste water that’s generated during the process. It’s estimated the industry produces 21 billion barrels of waste water in the U.S. each year. Now, some […]

March 24, 2015

Elderly in China said to fuel child obesity problem

Childhood obesity has become a growing concern in the most populous country in the world. University of Birmingham published a report, it shows that China’s children who were looked after by their grandparents are more than twice as likely to be overweight.

March 23, 2015

Argentina’s state-run oil producer posts growth

The headquarters of YPF stands tall over the Buenos Aires skyline and the company also stands tall in the energy sector. Argentina’s national oil and gas producer recently posted its 2014 results showing growth in production, reserves, investment and income.

March 23, 2015

Peter LaMotte talks about crisis management

Saving a brand can cost companies billions of dollars, but what exactly does that money buy them? To find out, CCTV’s Phillip Yin sat down with Peter LaMotte, Senior Vice President of the crisis PR firm Levick. So, who is the target audience for post crisis PR […]