Fourteen years after hosting its last olympics, China’s gearing up for more global athletic glory, but this time it’s going to be holding the 2022 winter games.
And they’re going all out with the latest technology and encouraging more Chinese to take up winter sports.
CGTN’s Sean Callebs reports.
China’s mountains provide the natural beauty.
Man, molding Mother Nature is doing the rest. Thaiwoo Ski Resort in Zhangkiakuo, has quickly blossomed into one of the premiere ski resorts in the shadow of China’s capital.
Chen Gang, the vice-president of this ski village says its facilities and reputation will only grow as China gets ready to host the next Winter Games in four years.
Get used to seeing this area. In 2022, in part, this resort will house Olympians.
Thaiwoo has already been home to world cup mogul, skiing events – and now China is getting ready to perform on the world’s largest stage, the 2022 Winter Games.
It is going to be a tremendous challenge and there is already a great deal of activity underway.
President Xi Jinping is challenging people of China to embrace the cold and the mountains.
He wants some 300-million people here to take up winter sports.
Lang Enge, used to spend his days tending sheep and raising corn in these mountains.
He, and other farmers, have re-invented themselves and, are now teaching the region’s young to ski and to greet global visitors when they begin arriving in four years.
The winter games are being held in Beijing District, Yanqing, and Zhangjiakuo neighboring Hebei Province.
To make reaching the mountainous area easier, with its winding roads easier, the government is spending big putting in a high-speed rail.
It will make the trip from Beijing to ski country much quicker and drive economic development throughout the region.
So, there is beauty. There is development. There are budding athletes. And, there is commitment.
But something is missing. The mountains should be covered in snow
“All of the skiing events of the winter games will use artificial snow, rather than natural snow — and compared to snow, wind and temperature will affect the games more,” Yan Wei, Director of Yanqing Meteorological Department said.
In Yanqing, home to Alpine skiing events, China is employing the latest equipment to monitor weather conditions.
Wind and extreme cold wreaked havoc at this year’s Winter Games in the ROK.
“We will provide the highest standard training ground for athletes coming here, and china will be fighting for good results at the Olympic games,” Chang Gang, V.P. Thaiwoo Ski Village, said.
China can promise more venues and more winter athletes. And, is counting on a memorable experience.