Afghanistan Vote Marks First Democratic Power Transition

Islamic Extremism

Ballots are being counted in Afghanistan a day after the country’s historic presidential vote. Partial results could come in the next few days. However, a final tally is not expected for at least another week. The election was hailed a success and more than 7 million people turned out to vote, despite threats of violence. CCTV’s Sean Callebs reports.


Follow Sean Callebs on Twitter @seancctv


With new elections and the withdrawal of international troops, Afghanistan faces yet another rebirth. One surprising example is the nation’s burgeoning film industry, all but destroyed after years of war and oppressive Taliban rule. CCTV’s Kristiaan Yeo reports.


Follow Kristiaan Yeo on Twitter @ThatsTheLatest


U.S. forces are preparing to pull out of Afghanistan from the longest war the U.S. has ever fought. What started as a campaign to crush Al-Qaeda became an exercise in nation-building that is still far from complete 13 years on. CCTV’S Nathan King reports.


Follow Nathan King on Twitter@nathanking

The candidate who wins the Afghanistan presidency will face a tough battle. Security remains a key issue amid increased threats from the Taliban ahead of NATO’s planned withdrawal of its forces at the end of the year. For in-depth analysis, CCTV is joined by Rebecca Zimmerman, a Fellow at the Truman National Security Project.