Virtually all of us dream of making the world a better place. Your dream can become a reality with just the click of a mouse.
At just 19 years old, Vincent Touboul Flachaire is the founder and CEO of Unlike other charity fundraising websites, Goodeed doesn’t require users to spend any money—just time. The site allows users to watch a 20-second ad and then choose a cause to which the ad sponsors makes a donation. Revenue from advertisers is donated toward organizations like UNICEF, WeForest and the World Food Program.
Vincent Touboul Flachaire: Turning 20 seconds into charity founder, Vincent Touboul Flachaire discusses his unique chairity website.Since launching the website in 2014, users have grown thanks to word-of-mouth and social media networks.
“So we have around 70,000 people, all around the world who make donations on Goodeed and it’s because people shared it on their social network or talked about it to their friends and talked about Goodeed to their families,” says Vincent.
The site is targeting young people, who have a desire to donate, but not enough funds to do it.
“That’s what we try to do is we adapt the humanitarian world to the young world of social networks,” explains Vincent.
Vincent Touboul Flachaire joined Mike Walter via satellite from Paris to talk about this unique and easy way to make a donation and a difference.