Coalition continues airstrikes in Syria

World Today

The Pentagon released video for the third day in a row of coalition attacks on the Islamic State in Syria. Officials said that a dozen oil refineries were hit by bombers, and attack aircraft. CCTV America’s Sean Callebs reports.

Saudi Arabia, and pilots from the United Arab Emirates took part in the attack. The U.S. now says it has 60-member nations committed to fighting IS. While many are still hesitant to take part in attacks in Syria – the Pentagon was asked point blank if it is “winning” in the fight against IS.

The U.S. led coalition is targeting oil refineries since IS is able to generate some two million dollars a day selling crude on the black market. However, the U.S. concedes even if it was able to cut off Islamic State funding overnight, the terrorist group will still have a billion dollars in the bank.

For more on the global coalition against the Islamic State and the fight against the terrorist group, CCTV America was joined by Sunjeev Bery. He is the advocacy director for the Middle East and North Africa for Amnesty International USA.