Palestinians pushing for money to rebuild


With rubble still piled high in Gaza, Palestinian officials in New York this week pressed for urgent pledges of money to help clear the damage and rebuild this shattered community. CCTV America’s Nathan King reports.

“There’s really a disaster situation in Gaza – human suffering, people without shelter by the hundreds, by the tens of thousands, homes that have been demolished and winter is fast approaching. We have to find solutions to house them and to do a quick recovery.” -Rami Hamdallah, Prime Minister of Palestine

There is the long-term quest for peace after the failure of U.S. brokered peace talks with Israel and the Palestinians. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is poised to try and push Palestinian demands for internationally recognized borders at the United Nations.

With more on the Palestinians at the UN General Assembly and how that might impact peace talks with Israel, CCTV America was joined by Fadi Elsalameen. He is a Senior Fellow at the American Security Project. A think tank in Washington created to develop an American national security vision and strategy for the 21st century.