China releases giant panda into nature reserve

World Today

China releases giant panda into nature reserve

Giant panda Xue Xue was released into the wild in a natural reserve in southwest China’s Sichuan Province on Tuesday, researchers said.

The two-year-old female had been transported to its release spot in the Liziping Natural Reserve in central Sichuan the previous day.

Xue Xue first appeared very nervous and reluctant to step out of the container cage, barking and even returning to the cage after researchers had let her out. Eventually, she took her first steps into the wild.

The State Forestry Bureau has planned two giant panda releases this year. Following Xue Xue’s introduction to the wild will be the release of a mother giant panda and its cub. Usually, pandas undergo a period of adaptation training before being let into the wild.

Researchers hope that releasing giant pandas raised in captivity will help boost their population in the wild.

Story complied with information from CCTV News.