Brazilians are known for their enthusiasm for sport and most particularly, of course, football. But one game you might be surprised to hear is played in Brazil, is cricket. Stephen Gibbs reported from Rio de Janeiro.

It is a sport which can claim a longer history in Brazil, than the other one we’ve all heard about. Cricket was first played by visiting Englishmen in the 1870’s.
That’s 20 years before the first football arrived on these shores. This is Brazil’s annual inter-state championship.
Some of the players don’t get to practice as often as they might wish. But the enthusiasts say this is a game that Brazilians have a natural talent for; and that more should play.
There are complications of course. One is that cricket kits is not sold in Brazil, or anywhere in Latin America. The pads, bats and balls are brought in by expat enthusiasts.
Matches are part of a strategy by the world cricket authorities to spread the game beyond its established roots.
Cricket has long been something of a bitter-sweet UK export. Over the centuries, many of those that have been taught the game by the British have gone on to consistently beat the inventors.
Bearing that in mind, there might be a few back home in England wondering if they really should be encouraging the Brazilians to take up the game.