CCTV America’s Shraysi Tandon interviewed Arianna Huffington, founder and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post about whether women can have it all. Here’s her response.
“I think this whole idea of having it all, misses a lot of what is valuable in life. It’s really an old fashioned way of looking at success. We look at success in terms of these two metrics, of money and power. And so having it all implies having money, power, and your family,” Huffington said.
“And in fact for me, as I write and thrive, we need to move beyond these two metrics of success to include a third metric and the third metric consists of our well being. When you look at the data you see that 80 percent to heart disease is preventable — a lot of it is because of stress, so clearly well being is paramount when it comes to a full life. Wisdom is a another key pillar, wonder, giving.”
Huffington also said that women need to look beyond traditional definitions of success:
“So when you look at life in a very full way, that for me is having it all, not the traditional way we look at having it all like being able to have the traditional definition of professional success and your family,” she said.
“And when you look at life in this 360 way, then what prioritizing your well being means is putting your own oxygen mask on first as they tell us on airplanes, and that’s like the foundation. You can’t run yourself ragged and exhaust yourself, burn out on the altar of reaching the top of your company or your profession. It’s just not a worthy sacrifice.”