CCTV America’s Wei Xuejiao asked Evan Medeiros, senior director for Asian affairs at the National Security Council, during a press conference whether he thought Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe would apologize for atrocities committed by the Japanese during World War II. Here’s his reponse:

One more question for Evan Medeiros: Will Japan apologize for WWII?
CCTV America’s Wei Xuejiao asked Evan Medeiros, senior director for Asian affairs at the National Security Council, during a press conference whether he thought Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe would apologize for atrocities committed by the Japanese during World War II.“We talk about history issues with Japan, with the ROK, with China, with a lot of countries in Asia. And when we talk about them, we’re very – we encourage our partners and allies and friends to address them in a very constructive, forthright way, to be honest, but also to promote healing and look to the future,” Medeiros said.
“And that’s essentially our basic approach, and we think that the more that countries in the region can take that kind of constructive approach and let history be history, but be mindful of it, the better off the region will be in terms of its ability to cooperate. Addressing the history issues in a constructive way that focuses on the future and ensures that final resolution of these questions can be generated.”