Four US Marines killed in act of ‘domestic terrorism’

World Today

Amnicola highway in Chattanooga, Tennessee on July 16, 2015. AFP PHOTO/ Chloe Morrison

Five people, including a suspected gunman were killed Thursday in the U.S. state of Tennessee. A gunman reportedly opened fire at two military-related facilities in the town of Chattanooga.

“We are treating this as an act of domestic terrorism,” said Bill Killian, a military official in Washington.

The other four, apart from the suspected gunman, were Marines at a Naval Reserve Center according to a military official. The suspected shooter has not been identified but is said to have lived in the U.S. state of Tennessee.

Information compiled from official sources and Reuters

Gunman attacks two military sites in Tennessee, kills 4
A deadly day in Tennessee. Four American marines, gunned down at a military base, after a morning shooting rampage. A city is in shock, and a federal investigation is now underway.
CCTV’s Roee Ruttenberg has more details.
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