More and more young people are choosing to make difference in the world before they’ve even earned their first paycheck. It can be as simple as baking a batch of cookies to help raise money for sick children to go to camp.
That’s what Natalie Jefferson and her mom, Dawn, decided to do.
“I like being able to give back,” explained Natalie. “It’s a special opportunity.”
Philanthropy, and being a leader for social change, is no longer about the big checks written by millionaires and billionaires.
“I honestly believe that kids want to give back and kids want to help others,” said Dawn.

Young philanthropists ‘baking’ a difference
More and more young people are choosing to make difference in the world before they’ve even earned their first paycheck.As Full Frame contributor Sandra Hughes found out, for this new generation of change-makers, philanthropy often starts with small acts of kindness.