CCTV America’s Franc Contreras interviewed best-selling author and physician Joel Fuhrman and asked him one more question about what research backs up his Nutritrian diet and how the diet works. Here’s his response:
Follow Joel Fuhrman on Twitter @DrFuhrman

Fuhrman’s Nutritarian diet aims to maximize micronutrients per calorie consumed, Fuhrman’s website said.
“There are some proven approaches in the medical literature to reverse heart disease… Heart disease is a reversible disease, even in advanced case… It’s still reversible in the majority of cases, and it’s something that should be a first line therapy for every person before they even start a medication. Even before they have their first symptom of heart disease,” Fuhrman said.
“Half the heart attacks occur, they never knew they had high blood pressure, they never knew they had heart disease and about 40 percent of those people are dead on the spot with their first heart attack, so it’s never too early to start eating right. It’s never too early take care of your health. Nutritional excellence is more powerful than drugs.”