A Mexican man is turning a popular transportation vehicle into a mobile library. Created by Rodrigo Vasquez and his organization “Bico Yubo,” the vehicle is called the “Nomad.”
Violence has forced many in parts of Mexico to limit their time outdoors and stay at home. In the southern city of Juchitán motorcycle taxis are the main means of transportation. They’re also used as a tool in committing crimes like assaults and robberies. But Rodrigo and a group of young, indigenous artists are using the vehicle to carry culture to remote communities. It’s the first of its kind in Latin America.
The Nomad travels to small cities and villages throughout Mexico carrying a collection of books, videos, and art. It visits kids at schools who lack access to a permanent library. It expands their horizons and provides entertainment while educating them. It also encourages kids to try and reach their potential.
For this week’s Game Changer meet Rodrigo Vasquez and take a ride on the Nomad.