New EU cigarette regulations hopes to help people quit


In order to get millions of Europeans to quit smoking, tough new anti-tobacco laws will now go into effect.

The new European rules come as the head of the World Health Organization said it’s there goal to make sure the tobacco industry goes out of business.

CCTV America’s Kevin Ozebek reports from Brussels.

While health organizations applaud the new packaging rules, the big tobacco industry of course fought vigorously against it.

Other new EU “tough on tobacco” laws include limiting the amount of nicotine allowed in e-cigarettes and outlawing “lipstick style” cigarette packs marketed to women.

The Confederation of European Community Cigarette Manufactures sent CCTV a statement calling the new laws “a clear example of the EU overstepping the limits of its authority.”

The statement added: “the reality is that many elements of the directive are disproportionate, distort competition, and fail to respect the autonomy of the Member States.”

Now the question is will the new laws and new packaging make smokers want to quit.

The EU won’t give up trying to get people to stop smoking. In four years another EU law will go into effect that will stop all sales of flavored tobacco.

Matt Myers on new EU tobacco law

Tobacco companies and stores in the EU have one year to sell through old stock before the new packaging must be used exclusively.

For more about the new regulation and how it impacts the industry, CCTV America’s Mike Walter spoke to Matt Myers, president of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.