This week’s Full Frame Close Up is a profile in cross-cultural curiosity.
Now living in Boston, Nancy Berliner lived in China for many years.
“I think it broadens a person’s mind to understand that other cultures approach aspects of daily life in different manners,” Berliner explained.

Nancy Berliner: Chinese art curator
As a curator at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Nancy Berliner is uncovering art treasures from China.She spent her time in China studying the language and culture and collecting historical artifacts, ones many Chinese people hadn’t even seen.
“Suddenly, I was exposed to the wonderful history, Chinese art and Chinese painting and got excited about that history, got interested in all different types of Chinese art,” Berliner said.
As a curator at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Berliner still travels to China; uncovering treasures that help both the Chinese and Americans gain a better appreciation for the rich history of China. Full Frame caught up with Nancy Berliner to talk about her latest project.