The global refugee and migrant crisis is addressed by the first-ever United Nations summit on the subject.

One of the key areas of discussion will be the Mediterranean crisis.
CCTV’s Dan Williams reports from the region.
Follow Dan Williams on Twitter @Danielclearcut
Early morning in Augusta’s port on the east coast of Sicily, one Italian Navy ship, picked up near the Libyan coastline some 650 refugees and migrants.
The women and children disembark first taking their first steps on European soil. Some of the women are carrying babies.
For others, the scars of the journey are clear to see. Most arrive without a passport or money.
“The landing of today in Augusta in Sicily is a good example of what is happening almost daily here in Sicily. Unfortunately, often there is a tragedy at sea, either a shipwreck or incident that happened on board the boat where the refugees are traveling,“ Medea Savary from United Nations Refugee Agency said.
Authorities at the port process each arrival. Most, eventually, end up in a reception center. Already at capacity, refugees can wait for 12 to 18 months before asylum applications are processed.
The only certainty in this refugee crisis is that the cycle shows few signs of slowing down.
Ninette Kelley on UNGA and the refugee crisis
For more information on how will the UNGA address the refugee crisis, CCTV America’s Susan Roberts spoke with Ninette Kelley, director of UNHCR’s NY office.
UNHCR Filippo Grandi talks about refugees issues
For more information on humanitarian aid for refugees, CCTV’s Roza Kazan talks with UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi.