It’s said that communication and compassion are key to successful relationships. Chris Plutte believes those relationships should start early.
He’s one of the original founders of the international non-profit Global Nomads Group. It works to foster dialogue and understanding among the world’s youth.
“I think that it is critical that every young person has a meaningful, cross-cultural exchange as part of their education,” Plutte said. “And, that those exchanges develop global citizenship.”

Chris Plutte: Creating global citizens
Global Nomads Group Founder Chris Plutte talks about connecting students around the globeGlobal Nomads empowers students, worldwide, using classroom curriculum and innovative technologies and aims to serve as a driving force for awareness. GNG hopes to break the barriers of cultural misconceptions and provide a heightened appreciation and comprehension of the world – helping young people become global citizens at a young age.
“We define a global citizen as a person who is aware, curious and looking to take action in their own way, however they define that,” Plutte explained.
Chris Plutte recently sat down with Mike Walter at the Aspen Ideas Festival to talk about the challenges of bringing people together and the importance of cross-cultural exchange, connection and global student engagement, not only to benefit education, but for diplomacy and the global economy as well.