Silicon Valley usually gets all the limelight, but what about regions investors may be overlooking?
Some of the most promising emerging markets to launch a startup include Bangalore, Nairobi, Lima, Hong Kong, Manila and Tel Aviv.
Each country is tapping into sectors and leveraging what used to be disadvantaged into unique investment opportunities.

Michael Moe talks about challenges entrepreneurs face in emerging markets
CGTN’s Rachelle Akuffo speaks to Michael Moe, co-founder of GSV Asset Management. He’s also the author of the forthcoming Global Silicon Valley Handbook, The Official Entrepreneur’s Guide to the Hottest Start-up Scenes from Around the Globe.
Bacho Khachidze talks about business concepts with environment in focus
One such start-up shaking up the scene in the region is Treepex. The company from the country of Georgia offers anyone an opportunity to plant a tree buy purchasing items with its logo. The customer can then use the company’s app to track the tree they planted. For more CGTN’s Rachelle Akuffo speaks to the CEO and the co-founder of Treepex, Bacho Khachidze.