As China’s legislators meet in Beijing, one of the main topics of discussion will is One Belt One Road initiative, proposed by President Xi Jinping. The ambitious plan aims to build stronger trading partnerships with the countries along the ancient Silk Road.
But many challenges arise as countries are still wary of China’s growing economic power.
CGTN’ Tony Cheng reports.

In return for opening markets, China is offering to help its neighbors build up much needed infrastructure.
Under President Trump administration in the US, the impetus for that appears greater. An inward looking White House seems to be withdrawing from International commitments on trade, and aide.
China’s leaders have been working hard to sell that message overseas. Thailand is an integral part of the One Belt One road schemes one of South East Asia’s major economies. It is also a vital part of a new high speed rail network, designed to link south western China to Singapore.
But agreement on construction has stalled after Thailand complained that the terms of loans for the rail network were not favorable. Some also complain that China is using its size to dominate its neighbors.
Robb Koepp talks about China’s One Belt One Road initiative
For more on China’s Belt and Road initiative, CGTN’s Rachelle Akuffo spoke with Rob Koepp, director of The Economist Corporate Network.