When it comes to fashion, Armani and Prada are some of the famous international labels that come to mind. Both are based in Milan.
That’s also where the next generation of designers could have a greater Chinese influence.
CGTN’s Dan Williams explains why.
Milan is one of the fashion capitals in the world and home to some of the industry’s major fashion houses and labels.
A contributing factor behind that success is the Instituto Marangoni, a fashion design school that was founded in 1935. Many of the world’s top designers attended classes here.
“In its 82 years of history, the school has always kept up to date with the demands of the fashion industry world — trying to create new professional figures able to meet the needs of the industry itself,” Paolo Meroni, director of Education at Instituto Marangoni said.
In order to stay ahead, many of the institutions have attempted to diversify and widen the area of new designers. The Instituto Marangoni now has branches in London and Paris as well as training centers in Shanghai and Shenzhen.
Ma Yan Rong is in the third year of a fashion design course in Milan. She believes it is just a matter of time before more Chinese designers enjoy more of the fashion spotlight.
“It is still new fashion in China. I would say there is still a very big space in China, not just market, but for creativity and everything. Here in Italy, if you want to make your own company, it is very difficult. You don’t have that much space in the market anymore,” Rong said.
Alberto Zambelli runs his own fashion house in Milan. He’s been impressed with the increased impact of Chinese designers and is excited at the future prospects.
“I see that they are very prepared, they are very much studying our art-related history, cinematography, all that is Italian culture, and then linked to their Chinese tradition. I think they’re definitely bringing something new,” said Zambelli.
This is where the skills for the next generation of fashion designers are formed.
Chinese designers are already making the mark in the industry, but the potential for further success is clear.