March for our Lives is a protest in the U.S. prompted by the deaths of 17 people at a high school shooting in Parkland, Florida.
The students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School are determined to have impact reforming gun laws in the U.S.
Their efforts sparked a movement across the U.S. and globally with 846 events.
Saturday in Washington, D.C. hundreds of thousands of protesters came to let lawmakers know they want change.
Here are some of the sights and sounds from the #MarchforourLives in D.C. #NeverAgain #MFOLDC
At the March for our Lives in Washington, D.C. hundreds of thousands gathered to support reforming gun laws in the United States. Speakers and the crowd made their voices heard. But many communicated their feelings on posters.
Here are just a few of the statements protesters expressed on the signs they carried.