The impacts of climate change are already being felt around the world. Political interests, however, have stalled real reform on climate policies.
“It’s just unbelievable that how far the politicians are going to go to deny something which is absolutely proven by science to be true and totally right,” said Dr. Jagadish Shukla in an interview with Full Frame host Mike Walter. “Why? They depend upon their campaign contributions. They depend upon the funding they get for the election… It’s a very complex problem which in some way is going to influence the future of humanity.”
Shukla is a climate scientist who has been involved with several organizations dedicated to social justice, poverty reduction, and rural development. He established Gandhi College in his village in India, for education of rural students, especially women. At George Mason University, he studies the predictability of weather and climate variations.
Biodiversity in Ecuador
From tropical rainforests in the Amazon to snow-topped mountains in the Andes, Ecuador is one of the most diverse wildlife havens in the world. But its ecosystem is starting to show vulnerability to the rapid changes in climate.
In 2010, Ivonne Baki, the current Ecuadorian ambassador to the U.S., became the chief negotiator to Ecuador’s Yasuni Initiative, a plan to preserve the UNESCO biosphere reserve known as the Yasuni National Park. The park is home to thousands of species that are still being discovered today.
“If there is awareness in Ecuador for the environment, it’s because of the Yasuni. Even now, if you go and ask what is the best thing that we have done, it’s Yasuni,” Baki said.
Guatemala’s ancient Mayan bees
Bees have been around for literally thousands of years, producing sweet honey but, more importantly, helping keep our planet sustainable.
In Guatemala, one particular species of the honey bee harks back to the time of the ancient Mayan civilization, more than three thousand years ago.
Efforts are being undertaken to preserve the Melipona bee, which has brought benefits to its human neighbors for thousands of years.