There’s been growing concern about the amount of money spent on U.S. presidential elections and the influence it buys.
But as CCTV America’s Hendrik Sybrandy reports, 2016 seems to be bucking that trend, at least for now.

It’s a key element of many U.S. political campaigns: money. And, according to political analyst Seth Masket, Democratic Presidential contender Hillary Clinton is no exception. But, her Republican opponent Donald Trump on the other hand?
“Trump has been somewhat late to the fundraising game,” Masket said.
Money was once considered the lifeblood of American politics. However, this year has been a bit different.
According to the Campaign Finance Institute, total fundraising for the two major party nominees through the first half of this year was 15 percent below what it was for the same period in 2012. Money raised for Trump was comparatively low.
The U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision made it easier for corporations to give money to political candidates. Many people credit it with the rise of Super PAC’s – groups that often make large political donations.
Those contributions are picking up now as the presidential campaign nears the end. Campaigns still think money matters- almost $1 billion has been raised by presidential candidates so far this year.
Meredith McGehee on political finance
For more on the relationship between money and politics, CCTV America’s Rachelle Akuffo spoke to Meredith McGehee, policy director of Campaign Legal Center.