As refugees are desperate to get away from warfare in their home country, and to move through Europe to start a new life, thousands are stuck in limbo. Many are biding their time in undesirable conditions in camps near the Greece-Macedonia border.
CCTV’s Natalie Carney reports from Idomeni, Greece.
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Nearly 40,000 refugees and migrants are currently in Greece. 13,000, including 5000 children, are effectively stranded at the border with Macedonia, which has been shut down since Monday morning.
Doctors are reporting increased cases of respiratory problems and diarrhea, and they fear that diseases could break out in the worsening situation. Greece has called on their ministry of health to step in and help with this humanitarian disaster.
Yet the two mobile units from the state-run Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in addition to the help of other NGOs, are struggling to deal with the situation.
Many worry they will next be sent back to Turkey under a deal being drawn up between Ankara and EU leaders.
Despite these conditions, there are still some determined to stay near the border, one step closer to that dream of a better life in Europe.