COVID-19: Migrant farmworkers ‘essential’ but unsafe in U.S.


COVID-19: Migrant farmworkers are 'essential' but unprotected in U.S.(PHOTO: Reuters)

In the U.S., migrant farmworkers – including those undocumented – have been deemed among the “essential workers” needed to keep the economy going – and food on the table during the COVID-19 crisis.

But many migrants – and their advocates – complain conditions at U.S. farms pose great risk for catching and spreading the disease… That they have no access to basic healthcare, labor protections, and social services afforded other workers.

With few choices available for migrants, it’s a situation where those who are most needed during a pandemic – are also among those most vulnerable.

With us to talk about great risks facing America’s migrant farmers during COVID-19, is Leydy Rangel. She’s a communications specialist for the United Farm Workers Foundation, a non-profit group that advocates for immigrants, farm workers, and Latinos. Her family is among many who emigrated from Mexico to the U.S. to find work on the nation’s farms.