Americas Now

March 15, 2023

Meet the Best Front-Line Workers in Fire Prevention: Goats

Every year in the US, thousands of hectares, entire neighborhoods, and even small towns are lost to wildfires. Preventing these blazes has become a significant challenge for firefighters and authorities. Mike Kirsch introduces us to a unique idea to combat fires that are proving highly […]

February 17, 2023

Climate Change is Changing the Face of Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone is the oldest national park in the Americas and the largest in the US. For decades, scientists have studied its geysers, many species, and volcanic activity. But now they’re closely monitoring something else that’s having an impact—climate change. John Zarrella has the story.     

February 17, 2023

Brazilian Gang Pushing Paraguay on the Verge of a Narco-State Status

Drug cartels continue to expand their reach across Latin America. The latest example is Paraguay. Once a relatively quiet country, it has become an international transit hub for drug dealing as foreign crime organizations have settled in and caused chaos. Correspondent Maria Valls reports.    

January 24, 2023

The Sky is Not the Limit for These Spaniard Scientists

One of them commands a spaceship taking tourists to space, and the other is a scientist tracking ice bodies on the solar system’s edge. What does it take to make a career in Astrophysics? John Zarrella met with two Spaniards who made the stars their […]

January 24, 2023

A Dangerous Drive for a Better Life

It was a tragic end for 53 migrants who died inside a poorly ventilated truck outside San Antonio, Texas. While two men have been indicted for those deaths, the wounds in their communities are still open. Harris Withbeck reports from Central Guatemala, where many victims […]

January 23, 2023

When Reopening Borders Isn’t Enough

Venezuela and Colombia have had contentious relations for over a decade.  But now, with a new Colombian government in place, diplomatic and economic relations are starting again. Where there was uncertainty, now there is hope. Michelle Begue reports.     

January 13, 2023

A Brazilian Take on Solutions to Traffic and Climate Change

They’re sophisticated, electric-assisted tricycle taxis. They’re manufactured in Shanghai and assembled in Brazil. Many believe they’re precisely what Rio de Janeiro hopes will help its commitment to eliminate fossil fuels by 2050. Lucrecia Franco has more on the trikes that are providing employment and bringing […]

January 13, 2023

Venezuelan Immigrants Feeling Ostracized in Chile

According to the United Nations, 7 million Venezuelans have fled their country since 2017. The majority decided to make their way to other South American nations. But the massive flow of people often caused confrontations and social clashes. Harris Whitbeck reports on some incidents that […]

January 13, 2023

Mayfield, Kentucky: Rebuilding After Devastation

On December 10th, 2021, a deadly tornado ripped across Western Kentucky, causing catastrophic damage. Dozens of people lost their lives. Correspondent Dan Williams covered the story when it happened. He then went back to check on rebuilding a town; this force of nature nearly wiped […]

December 1, 2022

Gulf Clan Stronger than Ever in Colombia

The illegal drug business is once again booming in Colombia. The country just reported a 20-year record high yield for coca crops used to make cocaine. President Gustavo Petro has made it his mission to eradicate the problem by using a new approach. Toby Muse […]

December 1, 2022

The Chinese Influence in Mexican Cuisine

When it comes to gastronomy, Latin America has a variety of options to offer. But Mexican food may be the most famous worldwide. What’s Mexico’s secret? Alasdair Baverstock tells us about the roots of Mexican flavors and the Chinese influence behind them.

November 10, 2022

Preserving the Garifuna Language

The Garifuna people are descendants of mixed African-Indigenous ancestry from a few Central American and Caribbean countries. Their population is small, and their traditions are fading away. Harris Whitbeck went to Belize to report on a movement to protect the Garifuna’s most important cultural legacy: […]

November 10, 2022

An Interview with Maria Brown, Minister of Education in Ecuador

Modern education, especially after the pandemic, is about technology, globalization, and learning at least one foreign language. But how do you tackle that in rural areas in Latin America where connectivity is not always available, and there are few native languages? During the United Nations […]

November 10, 2022

Underage Drivers to Smuggle Undocumented Migrants into the U.S.

According to US Customs and Border Protection, over 2.3 million migrants were detained between September 2021 and September 2022 while trying to cross the border with Mexico illegally. This brings the number of crossings to the highest level ever recorded. Alasdair Baverstock explains what new […]

October 26, 2022

Ideological Polarization Marks Brazil’s Runoff Elections

Around 150 million Brazilians are expected to vote in the final round of the country’s elections on October 30, a deeply polarized contest between the incumbent right-wing president, Jair Bolsonaro, and his left-wing rival Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. The two men have starkly different […]

September 12, 2022

Seeds for the future in Colombia

In the Cauca Valle, in central west Colombia, a research facility was designed to guard one of mankind’s most important treasures; seeds. Michelle Begue reports.

September 12, 2022

Food prices skyrocketing in Argentina

In 2021 Argentina became the world´s second largest producer of corn. It also remained in the top three main exporters of beef and soy. So why are food prices so high for locals? Joel Richards reports.

September 6, 2022

The Asian History Behind Building The USA

Seattle is home to many technology companies that have changed the way we live. It is also home to a vast Asian community. Correspondent Mike Kirsch explores the roots and contributions of Chinese and Asian Americans in one of the most prosperous and progressive cities […]

September 6, 2022

Changing lives and giving hope through Rugby

Crime is a significant problem in Venezuela. Politicians and experts have struggled to find a solution. So when a company became the victim of gang violence, the owner took matters into his own hands. He began recruiting gang members to play for his Rugby team. […]

August 22, 2022

Colleges prepare for monkeypox outbreak

There are now more than 14-thousand cases of monkeypox in the United States, and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the numbers are rapidly increasing, with the vast majority among gay or bisexual men. Monkeypox is NOT considered a sexually transmitted disease, […]

August 7, 2022

A Conversation with the President of Guyana

Guyana’s long-seek oil exploration became a reality with the first commercial-grade crude oil draw made in December of two-thousand nineteen. By doing so, Guyana was awarded the title of one of the newest oil-producing countries in the world. But is this a sustainable achievement when […]

August 7, 2022

In Peru, Indigenous are Fighting Drug Traffickers

During the pandemic, some Latin American countries were so focused on dealing with Covid that they got distracted from other menaces like drug dealing. In Peru, a cocaine production boom has sieged indigenous territories and some national parks. Dan Collyns brings us the story about […]

A prisoner is seen across a protective glass wall. She is wearing white overalls, has dark, short hair and her hands are crossed in front of her.
August 3, 2022

A Latina Is Sentenced To Death. Was Race A Factor?

In 2008, a Latino mother of fourteen was sentenced to Death Row in Texas for the murder of her two-year-old daughter. She says her toddler fell down the stairs and died. The state says she beat her to death.

Her execution was scheduled for April 27, […]

A classroom full of students. A teacher in front of them.
August 3, 2022

Peru Returning to School

Children are back to school in Peru after two years out of classrooms due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The country was one of the hardest-hit in the world by the coronavirus and children were no exception. Thousands lost parents or grandparents and – despite innovative […]

Two bathers in Rio De La Plata.
August 3, 2022

Argentina’s Summer of Discontent

The heat in Argentina was so extreme last summer that the country came close to being the hottest place on earth. The searing heat, combined with an acute drought, greatly affected the crops and cattle on the countryside. Buenos Aires saw daily energy shortages.

July 27, 2022

More guns, fewer guns, Texas’ dilemma

The state of Texas has a long tradition of gun ownership.  It has the most significant number of registered firearms in the country. This gun culture has remained intact despite some shocking mass shootings – like the one in May at a school in Uvalde, […]