Newspaper and television reporters have been criticized over the years, especially during times of war and military conflict. What is the responsibility of a free press?
Fourteen years ago, critics said the U.S. media was partly to blame for not asking tough questions during the run-up to the Iraqi war when U.S. President George W. Bush claimed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had a ready stockpile of weapons of mass destruction.
Once again, critics said the media is not doing its job following this month’s U.S. Tomahawk cruise missile operation in Syria, which was prompted by the suspected chemical attack on Syrian civilians. Within hours of the missiles being fired, a number of broadcasters were quick to praise U.S. President Donald Trump.

U.S. journalists praise President Trump after air strikes in Syria
To discuss how the U.S. media covers wars today:
- Peter Galbraith, a former U.S. Ambassador. He was on the ground during the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Should the American press be more critical when it comes to U.S. military conflict and democracy?
To discuss the responsibility of the U.S. media in reporting foreign conflicts:
- Ray McGovern, a retired CIA analyst.
- Sam Sacks, reporter and founder of District Sentinel.