The United Nations and Biodiversity. What sort of global environmental challenges do we face? And, what needs to be done?
The United Nations has just marked the International Day for Biological Diversity.
And in recent comments, the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, had some tough words saying, humanity is –quote- “waging a war on nature.” He referenced, not just the threat of biodiversity loss, but also the climate change crisis and escalating pollution.
To discuss:
- Elizabeth Maruma Mrema is Executive Secretary of UNEP’s Convention on Biological Diversity
- Changhua Wu is Executive Director of the Professional Association for China’s Environment.
- Sweta Chakraborty is a risk and behavioral scientist.
- Leila Salazar-Lopez is Executive Director for Amazon Watch
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4 out of 10 global risks are nature-related and their drivers are a critical threat to the world. #BiodiversityDay is a reminder that to tackle the #biodiversity crisis unfolding, we need to work with nature & be part of the solution #ForNature. @UN
— Achim Steiner (@ASteiner) May 22, 2021
Human activity is driving biodiversity loss around the world — but we can all do something about it.
On Saturday's #BiodiversityDay, see how you can be part of the solution #ForNature: via @UNBiodiversity
— United Nations (@UN) May 21, 2021
On Thursday's #WorldBeeDay, the UN joined people around the world in celebrating bees and their invaluable contributions to safeguarding our biodiversity.
More in our @TwitterMoments:
— United Nations (@UN) May 20, 2021