The Heat: Climate Crisis

The Heat

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The world’s oceans are heating up at record-breaking levels. How much damage is the climate crisis causing?  

While much attention has focused recently on the massive heat waves and flooding that have hit nations across the world, the latest climate alarm centers on rising ocean temperatures. And, scientists warn the worst is likely yet to come.

Last week, daily global average sea temperatures hit a record breaking 20.96 degrees Celsius. If the trend continues, it could be devastating. Warming oceans will impact marine plant and animal life. There are concerns too about the effect this could have on food security in some parts of the world.  

Meanwhile, the UN Secretary-General is signaling a new level of alarm over the consequences of rising temperatures.

Joining the discussion:

  • Minna Epps is head of the IUCN’s Ocean Center for Conservation Action. 
  • Sweta Chakraborty is CEO of North American Operations for the social media company “We Don’t Have Time.” 
  • Mohammed Mahmoud is director of the Climate and Water Program with the Middle East Institute. 
  • Changhua Wu is China Director for The Office of Jeremy Rifkin.