The Heat: Israel-Hamas Conflict

The Heat

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The United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly approved a resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. The United States was one of ten countries to vote against the non-binding measure.  

Israel says it will continue its war in Gaza whether or not it has international support.    

To discuss the trajectory of the conflict, our guests are: 

  • Michael Lynk is a Professor Emeritus with the Faculty of Law at Western University in London Ontario and is a former UN Special Rapporteur for human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory. 
  • Joshua Landis is the Director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma. 
  • Moien Odeh is a human rights and international law attorney and PhD candidate at George Mason University’s School of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution.  
  • Amotz Asa-El is a Senior Commentator for The Jerusalem Post and a fellow with the Hartman Institute.