The Heat: UK Racial Tensions

The Heat

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Riots erupted in England and Belfast, Northern Ireland in the wake of the July 29th murder of three young girls in the British town of Southport. Seizing on false information posted on social media about the attacker’s name, religion, and migration status, far-right rioters set fire to cars, looted stores, harassed Muslims and attacked mosques and hotels housing asylum seekers.

Joining the discussion:

  • Jonathan Lis is a Journalist and Political Commentator. 
  • Tahir Abbas is a Radicalization Studies Professor at Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs in The Hague. 
  • H.A. Hellyer is a Senior Associate Fellow with the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies.
  • Paul Embery is a trade unionist, writer, and broadcaster.