The Heat: China-Pakistan Relations

The Heat

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Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has wrapped up his official state visit to China. During his trip, he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday, where they discussed the partnership between their two countries and issued a joint statement.

Beijing stated that its relationship with Pakistan is a “priority in its foreign relations and of special significance in China’s foreign policy.”  While Islamabad reaffirmed that the friendship is the “cornerstone of its foreign policy.”

Joining the discussion: 

  • Victor Gao is Chair Professor at Soochow University
  • Mosharraf Zaidi is the CEO and Founder of Tabadlab Private Limited.
  • John Gong is a Professor at the University of International Business and Economics and a China Forum expert.
  • Shuja Nawaz is a Distinguished Fellow and Former Director of the South Asia Center at the Atlantic Council.