China’s President Xi Jinping played host this week to major world leaders, including U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin, at the APEC meeting in Beijing. The big story at this year’s meetings, however, was the announcement of a deal between China and the U.S. on carbon emissions. But just how important is the deal for the future of the two countries’ relationship?
The groundbreaking agreement this week by the world’s two worst polluters would have the United states cut emissions to between 26-28 percent of 2005 levels by 2025. China pledged to halt the growth in its greenhouse gas emissions around 2030 or earlier. It didn’t, however, specify a peak emissions level. It said it would produce a fifth of its total energy from non-fossil fuel sources, including nuclear energy, by 2030. That would double the current share of non-fossil fuels in the country’s energy mix.
The Heat interviewed a panel of experts on the U.S.-China relationship and the environment. They include:
- Teng Jianqun, director for the Center of Arms Control at the China Institute of International Studies.
- Jim Nolt, professor of U.S.–China relations at New York University.
- Jennifer Turner, director of the China Environment Forum at the Woodrow Wilson Center

The Heat continued its panel discussion on the APEC meeting, the carbon emission deal, and the current state of China’s relationship with the U.S.