World Today

April 19, 2024

Over 100,000 Haitians flee Port-au-Prince the past 30 days

The United Nations says an estimated nearly 100,000 people have fled the violence in Port-au-Prince in the past month. There is a political void in Haiti and many can no longer wait as gangs launch regular attacks in the city. CGTN’s Harold Isaac reports.

April 19, 2024

How effective are background checks for U.S. gun ownership?

Gun shows are a common and unique pastime across many parts of the United States. An estimated 5,000 are held every single year. For decades, the firearms sold at those gun shows haven’t required background checks. That loophole is now closing. The move is rankling some gun enthusiasts, who question how effective background checks really are. CGTN’s Toni Waterman reports. 

April 19, 2024

Experts warn of AI and deepfakes ahead of U.S. election

Ahead of the U.S. election in November, social media has been on high alert for a technology that threatens to disrupt fair voting. As CGTN’s Mark Niu reports, AI and deepfakes are getting more sophisticated, but researchers are working on new ways to detect them. 

April 19, 2024

Cuba’s aging population

Over the past few decades, Cuba has seen the steady aging of its population. Experts say its become a major demographic challenge impacting the country socially and economically. CGTN’s Luis Chirino takes a look at this phenomenon affecting the Caribbean island nation.

April 18, 2024

Lula and Petro meet in Colombia

  Latin America is facing escalating strife over a diplomatic row between Ecuador and Mexico. Ecuador is accused of overstepping international diplomacy laws when it raided the Mexican Embassy. While some South American countries are divided on this, Brazil and Colombia stand united. Learn more […]

April 18, 2024

China’s role in global economic growth

  Finance leaders from around the world continue their International Monetary Fund and World Bank Spring Meetings in Washington, D.C. Participants know that China will play a crucial role in global growth in the coming years.

April 18, 2024

Why some residents are fleeing Florida

  Florida has seen a population boom in recent years, but government data now also show that many residents are choosing to leave the state. A high cost of living and divisive politics are among reasons most cited.

April 18, 2024

Women-founded startups take the spotlight at Web Summit Rio

  The world’s largest conference on technology and innovation is held in Rio de Janeiro. The event, Web Summit Rio, has broken records when it comes to female participation among entrepreneurs, attendees, and speakers. The Women in Tech Lounge is an exclusive area aimed at […]

April 18, 2024

UN Security Council debates future of UNRWA in Gaza

  The head of the UN’s aid agency in Gaza pleaded with Security Council members on Wednesday, April 17, to ensure it remains operational. The Israeli government has called for the aid agency to be dismantled. But the world body insists there is no other […]

April 16, 2024

Colorado leading the way for small businesses

Small businesses form the backbone of the U.S. economy and new ones are constantly being created. Last year set a record for new business applications in the U.S. The rapidly growing state of Colorado is leading the way. Hendrik Sybrandy reports from Denver.

April 16, 2024

The immigration crisis on both sides of the Rio Grande river

Social post: Immigration continues to be a top concern for voters in the U.S. in this election year. The first installment of our latest series on immigration brings you the parallel lives of two dedicated officers, each patrolling a different side of the same river […]

April 16, 2024

IMF projects global growth at 3.2% in 2024

Global finance leaders are coming together in Washington this week for the annual IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings. The gathering comes at a crucial time for the world economy. The International Monetary Fund projected the world economy to grow at 3.2 percent in 2024, according to […]

April 13, 2024

Jellyfish bloom hits Venezuela waters

  A very unusual invasion of jellyfish in Venezuela is perplexing experts, who believe the appearance of millions of the glutinous creatures could be a consequence of climate change, or overfishing. Learn more.

April 10, 2024

Colombia’s ELN suspends peace talks amid UN evaluation

The Colombian leftist guerrilla group, ELN, has halted peace negotiations scheduled to commence this week, adding another layer of complexity to Colombia’s quest for lasting peace. Meanwhile, the United Nations’ verification committee on Colombian peace efforts presented its assessment to the Security Council. Michelle Begue, […]

April 10, 2024

Navigating pitfalls of dating app addiction in digital world

Online dating has facilitated connections worldwide, but is it a wholesome method for seeking love? According to a recent eHarmony survey, nine out of 10 dating app users feel addicted to these platforms, with nearly a third checking them during work hours and 12 percent […]

April 10, 2024

What products and services are costing more?

The U.S. consumer price index increased 0.4 percent in March 2024 compared to February, an up 3.5 percent over the last 12 months, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The CPI broadly measures select goods and services in the U.S. economy. The overall […]

April 10, 2024

Ecuador-Mexico diplomatic crisis sparks international concern

Tensions between Ecuador and Mexico intensify after Ecuadorian police entered the Mexican embassy in Quito to arrest former Vice President Jorge Glas. International organizations and leaders are intervening to address the crisis. Correspondent Nicolás Suárez reports from Quito, Ecuador.

Millions experience solar eclipse
April 9, 2024

Millions experience solar eclipse

Millions of people across Mexico, the U.S., and Canada enjoyed the stunning celestial spectacle of the total solar eclipse on Monday. CGTN’s Dan Williams reports.

Argentina battles dengue fever surge
April 9, 2024

Argentina battles dengue fever surge

The latest official government data shows a surge in cases of dengue fever in Argentina. Known as ‘break-bone fever’ for the severe muscle and joint pain it can cause, the spike in cases has led to shortages of mosquito repellent supplies and pressure on the […]

April 7, 2024

North America prepares for solar eclipse

  As you’ve no doubt heard, parts of North America will experience a total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8. The rare occurrence when the earth, moon and sun line up in space won’t happen again in the U.S. for another 20 years. Millions of […]